Saturday, March 29, 2008

I am very angry!!!

I am soo mad at the debating teacher's wife.. Because yesterday we was teaching the class, and because she saw that I had only debated once, she said I had to debate.. So now she says I have to debate and it is my dad's fault I am even in the class!! He signed me up, when I didn't want to do a class at all!!! I hate it! And I sort of wish I had done the play.. But then I also wanted to do signing and yearbook is fun... I totally wish that I could go to yearbook and signing then say I'm sick.. And then go to the concert practice thingy.. I mean really!! I hate debating! And it is terrible that I had to do the class when my dad made me do it!!! Next time I am NOT going to do a third hour class that I do not want to do.. Or any other hour class that is.. I am sick and tired of it!!! I mean it!! I HATE IT!!

Well, now thatI have that over with.. I will tell you about my day so far.. Today I woke up at 8:50 AM and read in my bed for 30 minutes.. Then I got up and ate breakfast and read some more.. After that I went shopping with Heather all morning.. We went to Target and the library.. It was funny, because we saw Karen just getting there when we got to the library and she had to go to play practice so we took the books that she was going to return and returned it for her.. After that we came home and my dad and my other siblings were gone, cancelling bank accounts and stuff.. And then Heather went to work.. The other siblings came home and ate lunch then left for 5 Rivers to go learn how to make Maple Syrup.. idk don't ask.. Anyway, then I read my book I just got from the library called Found by Karen Kingsbury.. and It is really goood, then Mary Grace called and we talked about important stuff, that I can not mention here because of secerts.. and then here I am now talking to you.. My mom was hogging the other computer all day!! Becasue she had to write a paper, but still!! Anyway.. I g2g adios!! :-)

Thursday, March 20, 2008


For those of you who acually have seen this blog!! How are you?? I may be bored enough that I post a lot on here.. But then I might also delete this blog soon also.. so you never know.. I have already deleted 3 or 4 blogs I had.. But I kept these other 4 because I liked them a lot.. :-) Well, I am glad to say that I am hopefully going to go to Becka's Party!! YAY!! :-) But now that would mean I have to get her a present!! :-) So I better go figure out what to get her!! :-P I wonder what she would like!! lol If you go to her blog.. You would never wonder what she would want.. duh!! sometihng about the Jonas Brothers or Nick Jonas!! lol She really needs to get over it!! She has the sad disorder.. She is also a great person but she has a very sad disorder.. Some of you might know what I mean.. The disorder called toobsessedwithnickjonastotalkaboutanythingelse disorder.. I mean she's a great person but she really needs help!! So here I am going to help her.. :-) I will send her a comment and or e-mail.. :-)